Frequently Asked Questions
- Why did I get the Notice?
- What is this lawsuit about?
- Why is this a class action?
- Why is there a settlement?
- How do I know if I am part of the Settlement?
- Are there exceptions to individuals who are included as Class Members in the Settlement?
- What if I am still not sure whether I am part of the Settlement?
- What does the Settlement provide?
- How will Settlement Benefits be paid?
- Tell me more about Salud’s remedial measures and enhanced security measures.
- What is the total value of the Settlement?
- What am I giving up to get Settlement Benefits or stay in the Class?
- What are the Released Claims?
- How do I make a claim for Settlement Benefits?
- How do I make a claim for a Compensable Lost Time Payment?
- How do I make a claim for Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services?
- How do I make a claim for a Documented Loss Payment for reimbursement?
- What happens if the value of the claims submitted for Expense Reimbursement and Compensation for Lost Time exceed the $1 million cap?
- What happens if my contact information changes after I submit a claim?
- When and how will I receive the Settlement Benefits I claim from the Settlement?
- Do I have a lawyer in this case?
- How will Class Counsel be paid?
- How do I get out of the Settlement?
- If I exclude myself, can I still get Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services or a Settlement Payment as part of this class action settlement?
- If I do not exclude myself, can I sue Salud for the same thing later?
- How do I tell the Court that I do not like the Settlement?
- What is the difference between objecting and requesting exclusion?
- When and where will the Court decide whether to approve the Settlement?
- Do I have to come to the Final Approval Hearing?
- May I speak at the Final Approval Hearing?
- What happens if I do nothing at all?
- How do I get more information?
- How do I request a check reissue?
Why did I get the Notice?
A Court authorized the Notice because you have the right to know about the proposed Settlement of this class action lawsuit and about all of your rights and options before the Court decides whether to grant final approval of the Settlement. The Notice explains the lawsuit, the Settlement, your legal rights, what benefits are available, who is eligible for them, and how to get them.
The case is known as Alexander, et al. v. Salud Family Health, Inc., Case No. 2023CV030580., 19th District Court, County of Weld, State of Colorado (the “Action”), before Judge Todd Taylor. The people who filed this lawsuit are called the “Plaintiffs” and the company they sued, Salud Family Health, Inc, is called the “Defendant.” The Plaintiffs and the Defendant agreed to this Settlement.
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What is this lawsuit about?
On or around September 5, 2022, Salud learned that an unauthorized user was able to access files stored on its computer system. As a result, the Personal Information of individuals who are or were patients or otherwise affiliated with Salud may have been accessed. Impacted Personal Information may have included names, Social Security numbers, clinical information, and other medical or personal health information. After conducting a thorough investigation, Salud began reporting the Security Incident on October 5, 2022.
The Plaintiffs claim that Salud failed to adequately protect their Personal Information and that they were injured as a result. Salud denies any wrongdoing, and no court or other entity has made any judgment or other determination of any wrongdoing or that the law has been violated. Salud denies these and all other claims made in the Action. By entering into the Settlement, Salud is not admitting that it did anything wrong.
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Why is this a class action?
In a class action, one or more people called the “Class Representatives” sue on behalf of all people who have similar claims. Together all of these people are called a “Class” or “Class Members.” One court resolves the issues for all Class Members, except for those Class Members who exclude themselves from the Class.
The Class Representatives in this case are Karen Alexander and Jared Gabelman.
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Why is there a settlement?
The Class Representatives and Salud do not agree about the claims asserted in this Action. The Action has not gone to trial, and the Court has not decided in favor of the Class Representatives or Salud. Instead, the Class Representatives and Salud have agreed to settle the Action. The Class Representatives and the attorneys for the Class (“Class Counsel”) believe the Settlement is best for all Class Members because of the relief made available balanced against the risks and uncertainty associated with continued litigation and the nature of the defenses raised by Salud.
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How do I know if I am part of the Settlement?
The Court has decided that everyone who fits the following description is a Class Member:
All persons whose personally identifiable information or private information may have been compromised as a result of the Security Incident that Salud discovered in or about September 2022, and who were sent notice of the Security Incident. If you received Notice of this Settlement by mail or email, you are a Class Member, and your legal rights are affected by this Settlement.
If you did not receive a Notice by mail or email, or if you have any questions as to whether you are a Class Member, you may contact the Claims Administrator.
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Are there exceptions to individuals who are included as Class Members in the Settlement?
Yes, the Settlement does not include (1) the Judge presiding over the Action and members of the Judge’s families and immediate staff; (2) Salud, its subsidiaries, parent companies, successors, predecessors, and any entity in which Salud or its parents have a controlling interest, and its current or former officers and directors; and (3) natural persons who properly execute and submit a Request for Exclusion prior to the expiration of the Opt-Out Period.
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What if I am still not sure whether I am part of the Settlement?
If you are still not sure whether you are a Class Member, you may call the Claims Administrator’s toll-free number at 1-888-608-5913.
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What does the Settlement provide?
The Settlement will provide Class Members with the opportunity to select and make a claim for one the following Settlement Benefits, which are discussed in further detail below:
Cash payments of up to $7,500.00 per Class Member for reimbursement of certain Documented Losses (“Documented Loss Payment”);
Two years of Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services;
AND/OR - Reimbursement for up to four (4) hours of lost time actually spent remedying issues related to the Security Incident.
In addition, Salud has agreed to take certain remedial measures and enhanced security measures as a result of this Action.
Please review FAQ 9 carefully for additional information regarding the order in which Settlement Benefits are paid from the Settlement Fund. This additional information may impact your decision as to which of the three Settlement Benefit options is the best option for you.
Each Class Member who submits a valid claim is eligible for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses and lost time that were more likely than not incurred as a result of the Data Security Incident, up to $7,500 per Class Member, not to exceed $1,000,000 in the aggregate. Where the total of valid claims exceeds $1,000,000, each claim shall be reduced pro rata. The Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services are not subject to this $1,000,000 cap.
A. Documented Loss Payment.
You may elect to submit a Claim Form for reimbursement of Documented Losses. If you spent money remedying or addressing identity theft and fraud that was more likely than not incurred as a result of the Salud Security Incident, or you spent money to protect yourself from future harm because of the Salud Security Incident, you may make a claim for a Documented Loss Payment for reimbursement of up to $7,500.00 in Documented Losses.
Documented Losses consist of unreimbursed losses incurred on or after September 5, 2022, that were related to identity theft and fraud and are more likely than not incurred as a result of the Salud Security Incident, as well as any documented expenses related to the Salud Security Incident. For example, credit card or debit card cancellation or replacement fees, late fees, declined payment fees, overdraft fees, returned check fees, customer service fees, credit-related costs associated with purchasing credit reports, credit monitoring or identity theft protection, costs to place a freeze or alert on credit reports, costs to replace a driver’s license, state identification card, Social Security number, professional services, and out-of-pocket expenses for notary, fax, postage, delivery, copying, mileage, and long-distance telephone charges. Other losses or costs related to the Salud Security Incident that are not insurance reimbursable may also be eligible for reimbursement. To protect the Settlement Fund and valid claims, all Claim Forms submitted that seek payment related to credit or debit card fraudulent transactions will be carefully scrutinized by the Claims Administrator.
Claims for Documented Loss Payments must be supported by Reasonable Documentation. Reasonable Documentation means written documents supporting your claim, such as credit card statements, bank statements, invoices, telephone records, and receipts.
Individual payments for Documented Losses may be reduced or increased depending on the number of Class Members that participate in the Settlement.
To receive a Documented Loss Payment, you must submit a completed Claim Form electing to receive a Documented Loss Payment. If you file a Claim Form for a Documented Loss Payment and it is rejected by the Claims Administrator and you do not correct it, and you have not otherwise claimed Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services, your Claim Form will be considered as an alternative claim for a Compensable Lost Time Payment.
B. Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services.
You may file a Claim Form to receive Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services. Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services provide a way to protect yourself from unauthorized use of your personal information. If you already have credit monitoring services, you may still sign up for this additional protection. The Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services provided by this Settlement are separate from, and in addition to, the credit monitoring and identity resolution services that may have been offered to you by Salud in response to the Security Incident. You are eligible to make a claim for the Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services being offered through this Settlement even if you did not sign up for the previous services. If you file a claim for Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services and you already have credit monitoring services, you can choose to postpone the Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services from this Settlement for a period of 24 months.
Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services include (i) up to $1 million of identity theft insurance coverage; and (ii) three-bureau credit monitoring.
To receive Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services, you must submit a completed Claim Form selecting to receive Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services.
C. Compensable Lost Time.
You may also elect to receive reimbursement for up to four (4) hours of lost time actually spent remedying issues related to the Security Incident (calculated at the rate of $20 per each hour spent). To receive a Compensable Lost Time payment, you must submit a completed Claim Form to attest the time actually spent dealing with the Security Incident was reasonable and valid.
You are not required to provide Reasonable Documentation with your Claim Form to receive Compensable Lost Time.
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Cash payments of up to $7,500.00 per Class Member for reimbursement of certain Documented Losses (“Documented Loss Payment”);
How will Settlement Benefits be paid?
Before determining which Settlement Benefit option is best for you (Documented Loss Payment, Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services, and/or Compensable Lost Time), it is important for you to understand how Settlement payments will be made. Court awarded attorneys’ fees not to exceed $550,000.00, reasonable costs and expenses incurred by attorneys for the Class (referred to collectively as Fee Award and Costs), Administrative Expenses for costs of the settlement administration, and Service Awards of up to $2,000.00 to each of the Class Representatives will be deducted from the Settlement Fund before making payments to Class Members. The Court may award less than these amounts. The remainder of the Settlement Fund will be distributed in the following order:
- Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services claims will be paid first.
- If money remains in the Settlement Fund after paying for the Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services, Documented Loss Payment claims will be paid second. If your claim for a Documented Loss Payment is rejected by the Claims Administrator and you do not cure it, and you have not otherwise made a claim for Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services, your claim for a Documented Loss Payment will instead be considered a claim for a Compensable Lost Time Payment.
- If money remains in the Settlement Fund after paying Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services claims and Documented Loss Payment claims, the amount of the Settlement Fund remaining will be used to create a “Post CMIS/LT Net Settlement Fund,” which will be used to pay all Compensable Lost Time claims. The value of the Lost Time Payments is unknown at this time but will be calculated by subtracting from the Settlement Fund the amounts paid for valid claims for Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services and Documented Loss Payments, and after those expenses are deducted, the Post CMIS/LT Net Settlement Fund will be divided pro rata to individuals with approved claims for Compensable Lost Time Payments.
Tell me more about Salud’s remedial measures and enhanced security measures.
As a result of the Action, for a period of three (3) years from the Effective Date of this Agreement, Salud, at its sole and separate expense, shall make the following business practices changes related to information security in order to safeguard personal information on its systems:
- maintain written information of a security program;
- train employees on data security policies and detecting/handling suspicious emails;
- implement appropriate firewall and segregation protocols;
- develop an appropriate protocol for deletion of records; and
- maintain a policy for responding to data security events.
What is the total value of the Settlement?
The Settlement provides a Claims Fund and remedial actions to be taken by Salud for the benefit of the Class. Any Court-approved Fee Award and Costs, Service Awards to the Class Representatives, taxes due on any interest earned by the Settlement Fund, if necessary, and any notice and settlement administration expenses will be paid out of the Settlement Fund, and the balance (“Net Settlement Fund”) will be used to pay for the above Settlement Benefits. Any costs associated with Salud’s remedial and enhanced security measures will be paid by Salud in addition to the Settlement Fund.
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What am I giving up to get Settlement Benefits or stay in the Class?
Unless you exclude yourself, you are choosing to remain in the Class. If the Settlement is approved and becomes final, all of the Court’s orders will apply to you and legally bind you. You will not be able to sue, continue to sue, or be part of any other lawsuit against Salud and the Released Parties about the legal issues in this Action, resolved by this Settlement, and released by the Class Action Settlement Agreement and Release. The specific rights you are giving up are called Released Claims (FAQ 13).
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What are the Released Claims?
In exchange for the Settlement, Class Members agree to release Salud and their respective predecessors, successors, assigns, parents, subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, departments, and any and all of their past, present, and future officers, directors, employees, equity holders, stockholders, partners, servants, agents, successors, attorneys, representatives, insurers, reinsurers, subrogees, and assigns of any of the foregoing (“Released Parties”) from any claim, liability, right, demand, suit, obligation, damage, including consequential damage, loss or cost, punitive damage, attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses, action or cause of action, of every kind or description— whether known or Unknown (as the term “Unknown Claims” is defined in the Settlement Agreement), suspected or unsuspected, asserted or unasserted, liquidated or unliquidated, legal, statutory, or equitable—that was or could have been asserted on behalf of the Settlement Class in the Action related to or arising from the compromise of any Class Member’s Personal Information arising out of the Salud Data Security Incident, regardless of whether the claims or causes of action are based on federal, state, or local law, statute, ordinance, regulation, contract, common law, or any other source, and regardless of whether they are foreseen or unforeseen, suspected or unsuspected, or fixed or contingent, arising out of, or related or connected in any way with the claims or causes of action of every kind and description that were brought, alleged, argued, raised or asserted in any pleading or court filing in the Action (“Released Claims”). “Released Parties” expressly includes, but is not limited to, Salud and its respective predecessors, successors, assigns, parents, subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, departments, and any and all of its past, present, and future officers, directors, employees, equity holders, stockholders, partners, servants, agents, successors, attorneys, representatives, insurers, reinsurers, subrogees, and assigns of any of the foregoing. Each of the Released Parties may be referred to individually as a “Released Party.” “Released Claims” do not include any claims against any entity other than Released Parties.
The Class Representatives and all Settlement Class Members, on behalf of themselves, their heirs, assigns, executors, administrators, predecessors, and successors, and any other person purporting to claim on their behalf, release and discharge all Released Claims, including Unknown Claims, against each of the Released Parties and agree to refrain from instituting, directing or maintaining any lawsuit, contested matter, adversary proceeding, or miscellaneous proceeding against each of the Released Parties that relates to the Salud Data Security Incident or otherwise arises out of the same facts and circumstances set forth in the Consolidated Class Action Complaint in this Action. This Settlement releases claims against only the Released Parties. This Settlement does not release, and it is not the intention of the Parties to this Settlement to release, any claims against any unidentified third party.
More information is provided in the Class Action Settlement Agreement and Release, which is available under the Important Documents tab of this website.
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How do I make a claim for Settlement Benefits?
You must complete and submit a Claim Form by December 12, 2023. Claim Forms may be submitted online or printed from the website and mailed to the Claims Administrator at the address on the form. Claim Forms are also available by calling 1-888-608-5913 or by writing to:
Alexander v. Salud Family Health Claims Administrator
P.O. Box 2287
Portland, OR 97208-2287The quickest way to file a claim is online. If you received a Notice by mail, use your Unique ID to file your Claim Form. If you lost or do not know your Unique ID, please call 1-888-608-5913 to obtain it.
You may submit a claim for (a) Documented Loss Payment, AND/OR (b) Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services, AND/OR (c) a Compensable Lost Time Payment by submitting a Claim Form on the Settlement Website, or by downloading, printing, and completing a Claim Form and mailing it to the Claims Administrator.
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How do I make a claim for Compensable Lost Time Payment?
To file a claim for a Compensable Lost Time Payment, you must submit a valid Claim Form electing to receive the Compensable Lost Time Payment. To submit a claim for a Compensable Lost Time Payment, you may either complete a Claim Form on the Settlement Website (here) or print and mail a completed Claim Form to the Claims Administrator, postmarked on or before December 12, 2023.
If you wish to receive your payment via digital payment method options instead of a check, simply provide your email address (optional). Anyone who submits a valid claim for Compensable Lost Time Payment and does not elect to receive a digital payment will receive their payment via regular check sent through U.S. Mail.
Instructions for filling out a claim for a Compensable Lost Time Payment are included on the Claim Form. You may download a copy of the Claim Form under the Important Documents tab of this website.
The deadline to file a claim for a Compensable Lost Time Payment is December 12, 2023. Claims must be filed or postmarked if mailed by this deadline.
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How do I make a claim for Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services?
To file a claim for Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services, you must submit a valid Claim Form electing to receive Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services. To submit a claim for Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services, you may either complete a Claim Form on the Settlement Website (here) or print and mail a completed Claim Form to the Claims Administrator, postmarked on or before December 12, 2023.
Instructions for filling out a claim for Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services are included on the Claim Form. You may download a copy of the Claim Form under the Important Documents tab of this website.
The deadline to file a claim for Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services is December 12, 2023. Claims must be filed or postmarked if mailed by this deadline.
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How do I make a claim for a Documented Loss Payment for reimbursement?
To file a claim for a Documented Loss Payment of up to $7,500.00 for reimbursement of Documented Losses, you must submit a valid Claim Form electing to receive a Documented Loss Payment. To submit a claim for a Documented Loss Payment, you may either complete a Claim Form on the Settlement Website (here) or print and mail a completed Claim Form to the Claims Administrator, postmarked on or before December 12, 2023.
The Claim Form requires that you sign the attestation regarding the information you provided and that you include Reasonable Documentation, such as credit card statements, bank statements, invoices, telephone records, and receipts.
If your claim for a Documented Loss Payment is rejected by the Claims Administrator and you do not correct it, and you do not otherwise make a claim for Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services, your claim for a Documented Loss Payment will instead be considered a claim for a Compensable Lost Time Payment.
Instructions for filling out a claim for a Documented Loss Payment are included on the Claim Form. You may download a copy of the Claim Form under the Important Documents tab of this website.
The deadline to file a claim for a Documented Loss Payment is December 12, 2023. Claims must be filed (or postmarked if mailed) by this deadline.
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What happens if the value of the claims submitted for Expense Reimbursement and Compensation for Lost Time exceed the $1 million cap?
If the total value of valid claims for Expense Reimbursement and Compensation for Lost Time exceeds $1 million, each such claim shall be reduced pro rata. The Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services are not subject to an aggregate cap or potential pro rata reduction.
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What happens if my contact information changes after I submit a claim?
If you change your mailing address or email address after you submit a Claim Form, it is your responsibility to inform the Claims Administrator of your updated information. You may notify the Claims Administrator of any changes by calling 1-888-608-5913 or by writing to the following address:
Alexander v. Salud Family Health Claims Administrator
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P.O. Box 2287
Portland, OR 97208-2287 -
When and how will I receive the Settlement Benefits I claim from the Settlement?
If you make a valid claim for Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services, the Claims Administrator will send you information on how to activate your credit monitoring after the Settlement becomes final. If you received a Notice in the mail, keep it in a safe place as you will need the Unique ID provided on the Postcard Notice to activate your Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services.
Payment for valid claims for a Compensable Lost Time Payment or a Documented Loss Payment will be provided by the Claims Administrator after the Settlement is approved and becomes final. You may elect to receive payment for valid claims for a Compensable Lost Time Payment or Documented Loss Payment via PayPal, Venmo, or digital payment instead of a check by submitting your email address with your Claim Form. Anyone who does not elect to receive payment via digital payment will receive their payment via regular check sent through U.S. Mail.
The approval process may take time. Please be patient and check this website for updates.
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Do I have a lawyer in this case?
Yes, the Court has appointed Mason LLP and Shub & Johns LLC as Proposed Co-lead Class Counsel to represent you and the Class for the purposes of this Settlement. You may hire your own lawyer at your own cost and expense if you want someone other than Class Counsel to represent you in this Action.
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How will Class Counsel be paid?
Class Counsel will file a motion asking the Court to award them attorneys’ fees not to exceed $550,000.00, plus the reimbursement of their reasonable costs and expenses (referred to collectively as “Fee Award and Costs”). They will also ask the Court to approve up to $2,000.00 Service Awards to each of the Class Representatives for participating in this Action and for their efforts in achieving the Settlement. If awarded, these amounts will be deducted from the Settlement Fund before making payments to Class Members. The Court may award less than these amounts.
Salud has agreed not to oppose Plaintiffs’ request for attorneys’ fees and expenses in the amount of $550,000. Class Counsel’s application for attorneys’ fees and expenses and Service Awards will be made available on the Settlement Website before the deadline for you to comment or object to the Settlement. You can request a copy of the application by contacting the Claims Administrator at 1-888-608-5913.
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How do I get out of the Settlement?
To exclude yourself from the Settlement, you must complete and sign a Request for Exclusion. The Request for Exclusion must be in writing and identify the case name Alexander, et al. v. Salud Family Health, Inc., Case No. 2023CV030580., 19th District Court, County of Weld, State of Colorado; state the name, address, and telephone number and unique identifier of the Class Member(s) seeking exclusion; identify any lawyer representing the Class Member(s); be physically signed by the Person(s) seeking exclusion; and must also contain a statement to the effect of “I/We hereby request to be excluded from the proposed Settlement Class in Alexander, et al. v. Salud Family Health, Inc., Case No. 2023CV030580. 19th District Court, County of Weld, State of Colorado.” The Request for Exclusion must be postmarked or received by the Claims Administrator no later than November 12, 2023 at the following address:
Alexander v. Salud Family Health Claims Administrator
P.O. Box 2287
Portland, OR 97208-2287You cannot exclude yourself by telephone or by email.
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If I exclude myself, can I still get Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services or a Settlement Payment as part of this class action settlement?
No. If you exclude yourself, you are telling the Court that you do not want to be part of the Settlement. You can only get Credit Monitoring and Insurance Services or a cash payment if you stay in the Settlement and submit a valid Claim Form.
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If I do not exclude myself, can I sue Salud for the same thing later?
No. Unless you exclude yourself, you give up any right to sue Salud and Released Parties for the claims that this Settlement resolves. You must exclude yourself from this Action to start or continue with your own lawsuit or be part of any other lawsuit against Salud or any of the Released Parties. If you have a pending lawsuit, speak to your lawyer in that case immediately.
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How do I tell the Court that I do not like the Settlement?
You can ask the Court to deny approval of the Settlement by filing an objection. You cannot ask the Court to order a different settlement; the Court can only approve or reject the Settlement. If the Court denies approval, no Settlement Payments will be sent out and the lawsuit will continue. If that is what you want to happen, you must object.
Any objection to the proposed settlement must be in writing. If you file a timely written objection, you may, but are not required to, appear at the Final Approval Hearing, either in person or through your own attorney. If you appear through your own attorney, you are responsible for hiring and paying that attorney. All written objections and supporting papers must:
- identify the case name and number;
- state the Class Member’s full name, current mailing address, and telephone number;
- contain a statement by the Class Member that he or she believes themself to be a member of the Settlement Class;
- include proof that the Class Member is a member of the Settlement Class (e.g., copy of the settlement notice, copy of the original notice of the Data Security Incident);
- identify the specific factual and legal grounds for the objection;
- identify whether the Objection is an objection to the Settlement in part or in whole;
- state whether the objection applies only to the objector, a subset of the Settlement Class, or the entire Settlement Class;
- identify all counsel representing the Class Member, if any;
- include a list, including case name, court, and docket number, of all other cases in which the objector and/or the objector’s counsel has filed an objection to any proposed class action settlement in the past five (5) years;
- include all documents or writings that the Class Member desires the Court to consider;
- contain a statement regarding whether the Class Member (or counsel of his or her choosing) intends to appear at the Final Approval Hearing; and
- contain the signature of the Class Member or the Class Member’s duly authorized attorney or representative.
All objections must be submitted to the Court either by mailing them to the Weld County Courthouse 901 9th Ave., P.O. Box 2038, Greeley, CO 80631 or filing in person with the Court or postmarked on or before November 12, 2023.
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What is the difference between objecting and requesting exclusion?
Objecting is telling the Court you do not like something about the Settlement. You can object only if you stay in the Class (that is, do not exclude yourself). Requesting exclusion is telling the Court you do not want to be part of the Class or the Settlement. If you exclude yourself, you cannot object to the Settlement because it no longer affects you.
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When and where will the Court decide whether to approve the Settlement?
The Court will hold a Final Approval Hearing on December 13, 2023, before the Honorable Todd Taylor, Weld County Courthouse 901 9th Ave., Greeley, CO 80631.
The date and time of the Final Approval Hearing is subject to change without further notice to the Settlement Class. Class Members should monitor the Settlement Website or the Court’s online docket site (see FAQ 32) to confirm whether the date for the Final Approval Hearing is changed. Please note that the hearing may be held via telephone or video conference. All details about the Final Approval Hearing will be posted on the Settlement Website.
At this hearing, the Court will consider whether the Settlement is fair, reasonable, and adequate, and will decide whether to approve the Settlement; Class Counsel’s application for Fee Award and Costs; and the Service Awards to the Class Representatives. If there are objections, the Court will consider them. The Court will also listen to people who have asked to speak at the hearing.
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Do I have to come to the Final Approval Hearing?
No. Class Counsel will answer any questions the Court may have. However, you are welcome to attend at your own expense. If you send an objection, you do not have to come to Court to talk about it. As long as you mail your written objection on time, the Court will consider it.
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May I speak at the Final Approval Hearing?
Yes. If you wish to attend and speak at the Final Approval Hearing, you must indicate this in your written objection (see FAQ 26). Your objection must state that it is your intention to appear at the Final Approval Hearing and must identify any witnesses you may call to testify or exhibits you intend to introduce into evidence at the Final Approval Hearing. If you plan to have your attorney speak for you at the Final Approval Hearing, your objection must also include your attorney’s name, address, and phone number.
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What happens if I do nothing at all?
If you are a Class Member and you do nothing, you will not receive any Settlement Benefits. You will also give up certain rights, including your right to start a lawsuit, continue with a lawsuit, or be part of any other lawsuit against Salud or any of the Released Parties about the legal issues in this Action and released by the Settlement Agreement.
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How do I get more information?
The Notice summarizes the proposed Settlement. For the precise terms and conditions of the Settlement, please see the Settlement Agreement available on this website under the Important Documents tab or by contacting Class Counsel (see below), by accessing the Court docket in this case through the Public Records System at, or by visiting the Office of the Prothonotary, Weld County Courthouse 901 9th Ave., P.O. Box 2038, Greeley, CO 80631, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding Court holidays.
If you have questions about the proposed Settlement or anything in the Notice, you may contact Class Counsel at the following:
Class Counsel Gary E. Mason
c/o Salud Data Breach Settlement
5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Suite 640
Washington, DC 20015-2052
gmason@masonllp.comBenjamin F. Johns
c/o Salud Data Breach Settlement
Four Tower Bridge
200 Barr Harbor Drive
Suite 400
Conshohocken, PA 19428
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How do I request a check reissue?
The deadline has passed to request a check reissue.
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